Semiconductor Leader Toppan Streamlines Contract Reviews

Reduction in time spent reviewing NDAs.
Reduction in staff training time.

Toppan is a leading semiconductor photomask manufacturer serving clients worldwide. With a growing volume of NDAs and purchase agreements, Toppan's legal team sought to expedite contract reviews without compromising accuracy. General Counsel Jerrold Huang found the solution in LegalOn.

Toppan Photomasks
Semiconductors & Photomasks
Company Size
1700 employees
Contract Types
NDAs, Purchase Agreements
With LegalOn, NDA reviews that used to take 2 hours now take 30 minutes. The software helps my team save time, and enables me to immediately train new members.
Jarrold Huang
General Counsel

The Challenge

Toppan’s legal team receives hundreds of NDAs annually from global partners. Manual review of these routine agreements was time-consuming, while still requiring meticulous scrutiny.

Additionally, Jerrold spent countless hours each week consulting and training new legal staff on Toppan's contractual perspectives and preferred language. With an expanding workload, a streamlined process was imperative.

Toppan needed a solution to:

  1. Accelerate NDA reviews without overlooking crucial clauses
  2. Reduce time spent training contract reviewers
  3. Allow the legal team to scale capacity

The Solution

As both administrator and general counsel, Jerrold sought a solution that could enhance consistency while expediting reviews of routine NDAs. He saw potential in LegalOn to serve as an extra team member that applies standardized guidance to every contract.

LegalOn's combination of AI capabilities and integrated legal guidance developed by seasoned attorneys offers contract scrutiny that keeps pace with Toppan's output. Its emphasis on consistency and clause accuracy aligned with Jerrold's needs for standardized global reviews.

He also recognized that the platform's insightful suggestions would foster continual learning, making LegalOn a scalable knowledge resource.


“The platform is very easy to use and understand. Me and my team can review right away.”

LegalOn's intuitive interface allowed for immediate implementation upon purchase. Jerrold's team was reviewing contracts on the platform from day one.

They leveraged LegalOn's AI Review, which was easily configured to Toppan’s preferences, along with expert guidance on the platform that provides detailed explanations and notes on contract clauses. This enabled efficient, standardized reviews.

The Game-Changer

LegalOn’s Compare feature proved transformative by revealing modifications that clients made to documents. Unlike standard Word processors, LegalOn lays out every change clearly without needing to officially accept revisions.

Thanks to LegalOn's Compare feature, I don't have to compare each word and sentence to see what modifications my customers made."

This visibility enables his team to efficiently evaluate changes rather than painstakingly analyzing documents line-by-line.

The clause search functionality also empowered Toppan's reviewers to instantly validate key terms across every agreement. According to Jerrold, LegalOn’s AI Review covers the vast majority  of Toppan's typical concerns within an NDA, granting confidence in the process while accelerating cycle times.

By combining AI acceleration with practical legal guidance in its Playbooks, LegalOn became an indispensable team player for Toppan's legal function. The platform's continual enhancements via customer feedback ensure it will meet the demands of the company's complex global agreements.


Jerrold and his team have also been using LegalOn Assistant to answer their contract questions and draft new language from scratch. Pleased by the initial impact, Jerrold eyes expanding LegalOn for more agreements as Toppan grows its regional teams.

For Toppan, LegalOn fosters scalability, assurance, and modernization across a vast global legal function.

  • Efficiency: NDA reviews that took 2 hours now take 30 minutes with LegalOn. This expanded the team's capacity by nearly 75%.
  • Cost Savings: LegalOn reduced time spent on US contract reviews, minimizing reliance on costly legal consultants.
  • Standardization: LegalOn's guidance helped align and streamline Toppan's global contract reviews.
  • Training: The software serves as a continual learning resource for new legal hires, allowing Jerrod to reduce the time he spends training his team by more than 50%.

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