Law Firm Turns Around Contracts Faster and Grows Billing Capacity by 40% with LegalOn

Increase in Firm's Billing Capacity Due to Faster Service and Greater Efficiency
Hours Saved from Day 1 Implementation of Each Playbook

Lynden Renwick, Managing Partner of Out-House Attorneys, LLC., supports large clients by reviewing and negotiating high-volume, routine contracts at scale. With a growing client base, Lynden sought an AI solution to expand capacity without compromising quality. After months spent on trying and training other legal AI tools, he found an efficient, effective solution in LegalOn.

Out-House Attorneys, LLC
Legal Services
Company Size
Boutique Law Firm
Contract Types
Vendor Agreements, MSAs, Leases
With LegalOn, I’ve been able to free up 10 hours a week in work capacity and increase rates due to faster turnarounds, giving me about 40% more billing capacity. I've added four new clients in the last month and haven't felt the stretch.
Lynden Renwick
Managing Partner


As Managing Partner of a boutique law firm, Lynden's ability to take on new clients was constrained by his capacity. He experimented with outsourcing and hiring additional associates and contract attorneys, but faced challenges finding a model that ensured consistent, high-quality work product.

Lynden needed a solution that:

  • Increase his capacity to serve more clients
  • Maintain the high standards his clients expect
  • Operate more efficiently to grow his practice


Lynden is a tech-forward lawyer and has been an early mover in using technology to expand his capacity and services offered. To that end, he spent nearly two months in 2023 trying and training another AI contract review tool. "I spent maybe 80 hours over two months in another tool, trying to build the playbook just for one client's vendor agreement - and I couldn’t get it to pick up on everything," he recalled. "Juxtaposed to LegalOn, I uploaded it and - ding, ding, ding - low, medium, and high risk. Brilliant."

In LegalOn, he found a solution that actually solves his problem, without the countless hours otherwise spent on training the tool. "With LegalOn, I don't have to build a model for a buy-side and sell-side for an MSA or SaaS agreement, they’re already inbuilt," he noted. "I can pass that to my team, knowing that so long as they do one pass through LegalOn, they're probably picking up on all the major points."

Lynden saw potential in LegalOn to serve as an AI-powered expert, consistently applying his meticulously crafted playbooks to every contract. LegalOn's unique combination of AI capabilities and built-in guidance from experienced attorneys perfectly aligned with his high standards and desire for efficiency. 

"Even though no platform can be perfect on my client's playbook, LegalOn has the best jumping off positions," he said. "Now I'm editing the redline instead of the original text."

Beyond the technology, LegalOn's expert guidance and detailed explanations empowered Lynden and his team to conduct thorough, nuanced reviews. The software became a learning tool and a safeguard, ensuring key issues were spotted and addressed in line with client standards.


LegalOn's intuitive platform enabled Lynden to start using it immediately. "It was amazing," he noted. "You jump into the environment and it's very intuitive. I sort of just fumbled my way into all the features and the flow was brilliant."

He leveraged LegalOn's AI review, easily configuring it to his clients' unique preferences and risk tolerances. The platform's expert guidance and explanations empowered him to expedite reviews while upholding his strict quality standards.

"If other firms aren't prepared to implement this technology, then I'm looking to take their clients...I intend to grow."

The Game-Changer

LegalOn's AI Revise functionality proved transformative for Lynden's process. "I've been pleasantly surprised by the AI Revise capability," he said. "You click it, review it, and you go - I can actually use that - I don't need to change this."

AI Revise accelerates Lynden's reviews by providing a strong first draft of revisions based on his playbook. It gives him a jump-start and allows him to focus on fine-tuning rather than starting from scratch.


  1. More revenue: Increased firm’s billing capacity by 40% without adding headcount because of time savings and better rates due to faster turnaround times. 
  2. New client wins: Using LegalOn, Lynden onboarded 4 new clients in the first month, gaining an edge in speed and value over competitors.
  3. Faster reviews: Initial contract reviews that previously took hours now take under an hour to complete.
  4. Instant set-up: Lynden was able to start using LegalOn on Day 1 with its pre-built review models, saving 80+ hours per playbook he spent training other AI tools.

Lynden is excited by LegalOn's continual enhancements, eyeing further time savings and consistency gains as the AI learns from his redlines. For Outhouse Attorneys, LegalOn is an essential partner in providing elite service as a modern, solo practice.

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