Data Center Services Provider Cuts Contract Review Time by Nearly 90%

Reduction in Time Spent Reviewing NDAs
Reduction in Time Spent Reviewing Service Agreements

CPG is North America’s premier end-to-end data center technology partner, offering design, construction and analytics-driven operations for conventional, hyperscale and edge data centers. Its lean, high-powered legal team handles a large volume of first and third party contracts, from NDAs to Service Agreements. To meet this challenge, CPG’s Contract Analyst, Stephanie Avery, needed a solution to streamline review of routine and non-routine contracts - from NDAs to service agreements and construction contracts. She found it in LegalOn.

CPG Beyond
Data Center Services and Construction
Company Size
200 Employees
Contract Types
NDAs, Service Agreements, Construction Agreements
With LegalOn, contracts that used to take multiple hours or days now take a couple of minutes. The software really helps me review contracts so much faster.
Stephanie Avery
Contract Analyst


As a core member of the company’s contract management team, Stephanie is responsible for reviewing and managing dozens of contracts every week. Against a growing contract workload, she was spending far too much time on reviewing contracts by hand, manually reviewing each contract against different checklists. Routine contracts such as NDAs would take hours to review while service agreements would take multiple days. Often, the company needed to outsource complicated agreements to outside counsel, contributing to significant legal spend.

Due to transition in the legal team, Stephanie’s workload increased. This situation necessitated a reliable solution to efficiently handle contract reviews, particularly with complex service agreements and construction contracts becoming more prevalent.

CPG required a tool to:

  1. Mitigate the risks associated with human error in contract reviews
  2. Expedite the review process without compromising accuracy
  3. Reduce reliance on costly external legal solutions


Enter LegalOn, which combines AI with expert legal guidance developed by seasoned in-house attorneys. Stephanie, upon referral from a former colleague, recognized LegalOn’s potential to be the extra set of eyes needed for meticulous contract scrutiny. As a non-lawyer, she has found great value in LegalOn’s expert guidance and content to help her turn contracts around.


LegalOn’s seamless onboarding allowed Stephanie to dive straight into action. “After using it on the demo, I was immediately able to start reviewing after we bought the software,” she said. The platform’s intuitive nature facilitated a comfortable transition, significantly reducing the review times and associated costs for various contracts.

The AI’s suggestions weren’t just time-savers; they were learning moments. Each contract reviewed became a knowledge-building experience, solidifying Stephanie’s understanding of legal jargon and critical contract clauses. “LegalOn’s guidance allows me to learn why specific legal language should be incorporated into the contract I’m reviewing. It’s a great tool to help me acquire greater legal knowledge.”

The Game-Changer

LegalOn’s Compare feature stood out, enabling Stephanie to track contract modifications effectively – a process that was cumbersome with traditional Word processors.

“I love using the Compare feature on documents coming back from other parties, to track changes. It’s incredibly helpful as it shows you all changes – unlike other software that forces you to accept changes in order to review them.”


  1. Efficiency: With LegalOn, Stephanie saw contract review times slashed by nearly 90%, allowing her to manage a higher volume of contracts and focus on strategic tasks.
  2. Cost Savings: The company observed substantial savings by reducing the need for external legal counsel, particularly concerning high-stake construction contracts.
  3. Risk Reduction: The AI’s precision in flagging potential issues minimized oversights, contributing to more secure contract agreements.
  4. Educational Value: The software served as a continual learning resource, enhancing Stephanie’s legal acumen with every interaction.
Expanding Horizons

With the immediate benefits realized, Stephanie eyes the potential for LegalOn’s Playbooks feature to empower CPG’s sales team in contract negotiations, potentially streamlining processes further.

A Step into the Future

Stephanie underscores an essential thought – in the contemporary digital age, not leveraging AI assistance equates to trailing behind. For her, LegalOn isn’t just a tool; it’s an indispensable ally, fostering growth, assurance, and competence. CPG’s journey with LegalOn epitomizes a progressive step in harnessing technology to refine legal processes, ensuring that the company stays ahead in the fast-evolving data center industry.

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