LegalOn Revise

Revise Contracts with a Click

Fix contract risks instantly with the first AI contract editor enhanced by expert legal knowledge.

Redline Instantly with AI Revise

  • Turn alerts from LegalOn's AI Review into revisions with a single click.

  • Ensure trustworthy revisions with AI enhanced by expert legal knowledge.

  • Start revising on Day 1 with no setup or AI training required.

Edit and Collaborate Seamlessly

  • The power of Word and track changes, available on LegalOn.

  • Easily collaborate with your team on outstanding issues, escalations, and approvals.

  • Automatically save revisions into LegalOn to maintain version and negotiation history.

From the Global Leader in AI Contract Review

customers of LegalOn Technologies worldwide, including its businesses in the US and Japan.
of users report time savings with LegalOn Technologies.
of users report improving review quality with LegalOn Technologies.

*Source: December 2022 LegalOn survey of Japan-based product users (N=257)

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