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LegalOn Assistant: Ask Your Contracts Anything

Contract answers, drafting, and summaries with secure, legal AI.

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Just Ask LegalOn Assistant

Contract tasks need more than an ordinary chatbot. With the power of GPT-4, the security of SOC2 compliance, and extensive training and testing by attorneys, LegalOn Assistant is generative AI upgraded for legal professionals.

Get contract answers in seconds, draft clauses and revisions that fit the contract you are negotiating, and create summaries with ease. Let LegalOn Assistant tackle your tedious contract asks, freeing you to focus on the work and judgment that sets you apart.

Assistant provides accurate, context-aware insights and suggestions to save you time and help you avoid missing critical risks. LegalOn Assistant is:

  • Fast: Get contract answers and draft new language instantly
  • Secure: Your data stays private and is never used to train third-party models
  • Reliable: Precisely tailored for legal work by a team of lawyers and engineers

Learn how LegalOn Assistant stacks up against the competition and download our Product Sheet for more information.

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