We are LegalOn: Meet Paul Drobot, Chief Sales Officer

Welcome to our series, We are LegalOn, where we introduce our US team members and share a bit about why we are so excited about LegalOn. Our team is bringing cutting-edge technology to legal teams with LegalOn’s AI contract review software, trusted by thousands of companies and firms worldwide. 

This week, we meet Paul Drobot, our US Chief Sales Officer. Paul has 30+ years of sales leadership, including a decade of experience leading legal tech sales teams. He is passionate about using software and technology to improve legal service delivery. Paul spends his time outside of work with his family or out on the golf course, chasing his dream of a hole-in-one!

What was your experience before joining LegalOn?

I learned early on that I wanted a career where I could help solve hard problems and help my team develop personally and professionally. Sales and executive leadership checked both boxes. I have worked in the profession for thirty-five years in various sectors and industries. Over the last decade, I have focused on building and leading teams in the legal tech space with Logikcull, Atrium, UpCounsel, and now LegalOn! 

What motivated you to join LegalOn?

At this point in my career, I was looking for an opportunity to leverage the knowledge and experience I had attained in legal tech to help scale a company with explosive growth potential.  LegalOn provided exactly this opportunity. The company’s incredible record of success in Japan, a leadership team that is committed to excellence across the board, a product that provides moments of delight daily for thousands of customers, and the chance to contribute to bringing this culture to the US were simply too hard to pass up.

What makes you excited about legal tech?

Legal tech caught my eye about a decade ago. I saw many opportunities for software and technology to improve legal service delivery. I also enjoy working with dedicated professionals with a “show me, don’t tell me” approach to problem-solving - this forces my team and me to be razor-sharp in surfacing challenges and succinctly providing solid solutions. Time is money in the legal industry, so we cut to the chase and get things done. 

LegalOn offers contract review powered by AI. Why would a legal team need such a tool?

Routine contract review can be tedious and time-consuming, and in many cases, legal teams have other important work they’d like to spend more time on. Yet, having a consistent, standardized, and efficient review process is pivotal to minimizing a company’s risk. Using AI to help solve contract review is at the core of why LegalOn was founded in 2017. AI has rapidly gained popularity and many companies are diving into it. But at LegalOn, we have a proven track record of working with AI and have earned the trust of thousands of satisfied customers globally who use our AI contract review software.

“AI has rapidly gained popularity and many companies are diving into it. But at LegalOn, we have a proven track record of working with AI and have earned the trust of thousands of satisfied customers globally who use our AI contract review software.” 
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I am a dad and husband, first and foremost, and I am fortunate to have an amazing family. I love spending time with them vacationing, participating in family activities, or just … doing nothing and hanging out! When I have some downtime, I enjoy the camaraderie, competition, and sense of constantly wanting to improve that golf provides. I started playing as a youth but then got busy with life for twenty-five years and just five years ago got back into the game. I am still seeking my first hole-in-one!

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